Our NEXT LEVEL Thinking

To grow your business and become more successful, you need to say NO to more things, and more often!

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Today’s tip for getting your business to its NEXT LEVEL of profitable growth, is about the importance of saying NO!

And we’re going share some tips that will help you know WHY and WHEN to say no more often. This will help you grow your business – and maybe even allow you to get a little more sleep!

If you’re a business owner or business leader, you always have a TON of things on your plate!

That’s just a part of the territory – we get it.

And if you’re like the majority of business leaders we speak with, it seems like something new pops up every single day that you’ve GOT to deal with.

And your list of things that need to get done just keeps getting longer and longer and longer – right?

You can’t imagine how many times we’ve heard someone tell us that they need to get stuff off their plate – or they’re going to need a bigger plate for all of the crap that keeps landing on it.

You’re nodding a little bit right now – aren’t you!

And the worst part – is that usually the most important things keep getting shoved further and further down on your to-do list.

Well actually, that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is that this is wearing you out and killing your business!

So, here’s a blinding flash of the obvious – you have got to say NO!

We’re going to share some phrases right now that NEED to be a part of your vocabulary!

Go ahead and read them out loud.

NO! We’re not taking this on.

NO! I’m not taking that meeting.

NO! I’m not messing with that.

How’d that feel?

Pretty good – right?

OK, so here’s the thing, you know need to be saying these things WAY more often. But you know you can’t say NO to everything. That’s just plain stupid.

However, we’ve found that this is actually one of the biggest challenges for many of the people that we work with.

So, here’s our tip –

In order to grow your business more effectively, you need to say NO to more things, and more often.

Just a quick caveat – if saying no to something is going to get you fined or land you in jail, don’t say no!

But outside that, in order to say NO more often, you need to know WHY and WHEN to say no.

This starts with being crystal clear on just three things:

First –  You need to know – with ABSOLUTE clarity – Who You Are

This is your brand’s identity!

You, and everyone throughout your organization need to know your mission, your vision, your purpose, and your customer promise.

If you already have these things defined, ask yourself if they help you decide when to say yes, or no.

If they don’t, they need to be tuned up, because this is a part of their job.

And if you don’t already have these things in place – you need to do it.

This is something that has to be on your plate!

Sorry, but don’t say no this this – trust us!

Second – You need to know EXACTLY what it is that you do.

And the next time something tries to get on your plate, ask yourself if it will allow you to do what you, do more of what you do, or do what you do better.

If not – Just say no!

Third – You need to have very clear, and well-defined Goals and Priorities. You need to know where you’re trying to go!

This is about your growth strategy.

It’s how you operate.

This is your road map for getting your business to its next level!

This all needs to be spelled out. And it has to be understood and supported by everyone throughout your company – ESPECIALLY your leadership team.

If that next thing trying to get on your plate won’t clearly help you achieve your goals, and get you where you’re trying to go, you HAVE to say no!

So, there you have it – in order to say no more often, you need to know WHY and WHEN to say no.

And that requires that you know:

  1. Who You Are

2. What You Do, and

3. Where you’re Trying to Go

And that’s today’s tip for getting your business to its NEXT LEVEL of profitable growth by creating CLARITY + ALIGNMENT + CONSISTENCY

Oh, and if you’re feeling like you need a bigger plate, give us a call!

Woody BendleTo grow your business and become more successful, you need to say NO to more things, and more often!

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