If you have been a student or practitioner of Marketing in any capacity, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the 4 Ps of Marketing.
Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.
The origins of the 4 Ps trace back to Jerome McCarthy (1960), and over the years, the 4 Ps have evolved to the more widely adopted 7 Ps.
Product, Price, Place, Promotion,
People, Process, and Physical Evidence.
We at Next Level Growth Strategies are always looking for ways to take things to the NEXT LEVEL. So, with our NEXT LEVEL mindset, let us introduce you to the 12 Ps of Marketing!
And be sure to download your FREE copy of our 12 Ps of Marketing Infographic at the end of this blog post!
The 12 Ps of Marketing
1) Product
This is your organization’s offering. That is, what you make and/or provide to your customers.
2) Price
A measure that reflects what a purchaser must exchange (give up) in order to obtain a unit of your brand’s goods or services.
3) Place
How your product makes its way to consumers. Also known as distribution.
4) Promotion
All of the things (activities and tactics) your organization employs to create demand for your Product.
5) Purpose
This is your Brand’s “WHY” This is why you do what you do.
6) Promise
What (value / benefits) your customers can expect to receive or experience each-and-every time they use your brand.
7) Principles
Also known as Core Values. These are the beliefs that your brand stands for. What do you believe in and value most?
8) People
Or Target Customer. This is WHO your organization wants to do business with. The Consumers / Prospects with an existing, underserved, or unmet need that your organization uniquely fulfills.
9) Personas
Rich and textured descriptions of customer segments that creates deeper understanding about their wants, needs, desires, behaviors, and motivations.
10) Positioning
Identifies the key messages for your specific audiences. It helps ensure consistency in your messaging and serves as a vehicle to help make the Brand relevant and differentiated from the competition. This significantly influences how consumers view your Brand and offerings.
11) Proof Points
Also known as Reasons-to-Believe (RTBs). Specific elements that are competencies and differentiators for your Brand and support the positioning. May include product attributes, experience attributes and offers.
12) Process
This is your organization’s special sauce! This is HOW you do all of the things you do in order to build your Brand, Generate Demand and Create Exceptional Customer Experiences.
So there you have it! The 12 Ps of Marketing? Have more to add to the list? Please let us know!
Be sure to watch our 12 Ps of Marketing Video as well!
To download your FREE copy of the Next Level Growth Strategies 12 Ps of Marketing Infographic (PDF), please complete this form.

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