Our NEXT LEVEL Thinking

In times of crisis, the world can use more empathetic, customer-centric Brands

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Originally posted March 30, 2020 on my LinkedIn page

Over the past several weeks every single one of us has been impacted by the global Coronavirus crisis in one way or another. Our 24/7 clicks-driven news cycle is consumed by this evolving pandemic. State and local governments have issued “stay at home” orders in hopes of “flattening the curve.” Some businesses are requiring their employees to work from home – when that’s possible; while some businesses have simply had to shut their doors and lay off employees. Public transportation, and commercial travel has essentially stopped. The sports world has come to a screeching halt. “Social distancing” has become a thing. And unfortunately, many of us now personally know someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Interesting times for sure.

It has been said that crisis brings out the best and worst of people. Or as Eric Walters wrote in his book The Rule of Three, “Crisis doesn’t change people; it reveals them.” And as a marketer who considers himself a brand guy and customer experience champion, it has been fascinating to watch how different brands have “revealed” themselves as they pivot their advertising to adjust to (or take advantage of) our current reality. In my opinion, some brands are doing this really really well, and others… not so much.

However, from my perspective, the brands that are adjusting most effectively right now have a number of things in common – regardless their industry.

1)   They are actually well defined and managed Brands – with a crystal-clear sense of who they are as a firm. And their messaging stays on brand – regardless the circumstance. Often, you will find these brands on lists like Prophet’s “Brand Relevance Index” or Interbrand’s “Best Global Brands.” And, as well defined and managed brands,

2)   They live and breathe thoughtfully articulated (and often selfless) brand missions, visions, promises and purposes. These brands know exactly why they are in business, what they are working towards becoming, and what exactly their commitment is to their stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, community). And,

3)   They are empathetically, and genuinely customer-centric. These organizations are acutely in tune with, and continually adjusting / adapting to the changing needs of their customers. In all things that they do, they take into consideration how they are creating and providing value to their customers – and in particular, how their product / service / messaging makes their customers’ lives better, and makes them feel.

Einstein famously stated that “in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” And I’m certain this is the case right now for nearly every business and organization. If you are one of those brands that can confidently check the three boxes above, continue to be true to who you are; and importantly, be there for your customers, employees and communities. Research from MMA has demonstrated that moments of crisis can be a significant opportunity for your brand.

If however, you are unable to check one or more of the three boxes above, now is a great time for some brand introspection.

  • Clearly identify who your customers are. Find out why they use your brand’s product or service, how that makes them feel, and what your brand means to them.
  • Revisit your brand’s mission, vision, promise and purpose. Are they crafted with your customers in mind? If your customers read them, would they believe you live up to it, and are they things they actually care about?
  • And finally, create and employ processes to evaluate your brand’s customer touch points and messaging relative to your brand’s mission, vision, promise and purpose. The point here is to make sure everything you do authentically lives up to your brand’s mission, vision, promise and purpose; and most importantly, your customer’s needs and expectations.

At times of crisis, it is especially important for Brands to remember that their customers are human beings; and not simply consumers or users of the Brand’s products or services. During crisis, people tend to hold on to their current beliefs and look to trusted (consistent and dependable) resources. Now is the time for your Brand to be there for your customers. Be Consistent. Be Dependable. Be that Brand your customers want to hold on to. And continue to be that Brand your customers have come to love, trust and depend on.

Woody BendleIn times of crisis, the world can use more empathetic, customer-centric Brands

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