Our NEXT LEVEL Thinking

Helpful is the new Cool

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In these unprecedented times, it is critically important for brands to understand that consumers are recalibrating how they define value. They are taking stock in what matters most to them. That is, what do they really need and want? This also means consumers are deprioritizing, or even deselecting things that they can do without.

In addition to knowing that your customers are recalibrating how they define value, it is also imperative for brands to understand that their customers are experiencing a range of emotions including:

1. Anxiety

2. Helplessness

3. Guilt

4. Anger

And what you do and say (as well as how you say it) during times of uncertainty and crisis can materially affect the success of your brand today and tomorrow. That is, your actions and messaging will influence where your band lands on your customers’ need / don’t need spectrum.

In order to maximize your brand’s chances for staying on the need / want side of the spectrum, the best things your organization can do right now (aside from ensuring that your house is operationally and financially in order) are:

1)   Get closer to your customers and employees – Deeply understand what they are going through and feeling. Figure out what they need and want right now.

2)   Eliminate / Avoid being tone deaf – Review all of your communications and touch points against the backdrop of your customer and employee insights.

3)   Communicate with empathy – While staying true to your brand’s standards, acknowledge what your customers and employees are experiencing and feeling right now – but don’t pander (see #2 above).

4)   Be helpful – Do things (little, big or even unexpected) that matter to your customers. Remind your customer / employees / community why they already love you.

A great example of a brand demonstrating that they “get it” and doing things to be helpful was forwarded to me by a friend of mine the other day. This isn’t a brand that I have ever used; but I am very familiar with them, and have always held them in high regard. This eMail they sent earlier this week to their current customers only elevated my respect for them. And if I were customer, you can bet my likelihood to recommend score just went up! Probably to 11.

Quick caveat – I am not promoting nor advocating for this company’s products or services; so I’ve redacted their name and product / service offering labels. But, I am however advocating for their customer-centric approach and for being helpful to their customers right now.

BEGIN eMail ———-

Subject: Times Are Tough, We Hope These Changes Help

We are currently living through a period of uncertainty and angst that we’ll never forget. The first thing I want to say on behalf of myself and everyone at BRAND is that our thoughts are with you.

 Like many of you, we are trying to do what we can to help our customers and the larger community navigate this challenging time. Here are details on plans that will hopefully help, as well as a sincere ask from us for your input on what more we could do.

Actions We’re Taking

Adding free tools: Businesses of all types and sizes are finding themselves in the position of having to move whole portions of their operation online. To help businesses adapt, we’re making our paid [selected] PRODUCTS AND SERVICES completely free. We’ll alert you in your BRAND portal as soon as they are live — you’ll receive this functionality for 90 days from when you activate it.

Removing limits: At this time of change, businesses need to keep in regular contact with their customers and stay connected to their communities. Therefore, for the next 90 days, we’re suspending usage limits for OFFERING TIER A customers, and increasing limits on SERVICE PROVIDED OFFERING TIER B customers of BRAND.

Reducing prices: To support small businesses through this uncertain time, we’re reducing the cost of our OFFERING TIER A from $112.50 USD/month to $50 USD/month. For 12 months from purchase of this offer, all existing and new OFFERING TIER C customers will have access to the bundle of SERVICES at the reduced price. This change will be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Community Programs and Guides

In these times, it can be helpful to connect to others and learn from each other. In addition to the policy changes laid out above, BRAND has put together a team of educators, community managers, and creators to develop a series of guides and programs for this new era in business. 

Virtual Events: Over the coming weeks, you’ll be able to join virtual meet-ups and BRAND user groups where you’ll be able to talk with BRAND employees, industry experts, and, most importantly, one another.

Online Community: Connect with other members of the BRAND Community right now.

Relevant Content: We are also releasing a series of content examining the times and giving guides for how to rapidly evolve your go-to-market. We’re starting with the most urgent need many of you have which is “Operating more effectively from your homes” instead of a central office.

Please, We Want to Hear From You 

What we’ve just laid out is a start — our start — for how to help keep businesses moving and growing. But we know that every business’ circumstances are different, and we want to know more about the challenges facing you.

END eMail ———-

My reaction after reading this eMail was – “Man… how cool is this?! How thoughtful! This is a brand that actually gets it! It’s clear that they totally get that their customers are anxious right now; and are likely in need of some help. What a great eMail! I need to share this with _____, _____, and ____.”

And, I bet you’re thinking something similar.

Right now, I firmly believe that “Helpful is the new Cool” – and brands who are helpful today will win during and after this current crisis.

So a parting question for you:

How are you being (or planning to be) helpful for your customers / employees / communities?

Woody BendleHelpful is the new Cool

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