Our NEXT LEVEL Thinking


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The 18 Elements Every Strong Brand Needs

Your brand is your organization’s most valuable asset, and probably THE most important thing for allowing you to successfully scale your business.

But it is also THE most commonly trivialized, THE most widely misunderstood, and often THE subject of a lot of very heated arguments.

Many simply think of their brand as their logo. But a brand is far more extensive than that.

Here is our definition of Brand

A Brand is something that provides, and is both identity and meaning. It is a continual interpretation that exists as a result of that which is conveyed by an entity through its communications, products and/or services, and that which is understood by those who interact with that entity’s communications, products and/or services. 

I know that’s a lot to get your head around but essentially, you need to think of your brand from two perspectives. Your organization’s, and the public’s -or at least your consumer’s.

For your organization, your brand is effectively:

  • Who you are
  • What you stand for or represent
  • Why you exist
  • How you behave, communicate, and operate
  • Your brand is also how you want to be seen or thought of

 And for those interacting with (i.e., purchasing, using, consuming) your brand, it is:

  • A commitment or promise by or from you
  • An aid for decision making
  • An intrinsic and extrinsic reflection of who they are
  • A statement about what they value and believe in

Often when we begin working with new clients, one of the first things we do is begin filling out our Brand Development Template so we have a better understanding of who are client is, and it helps us better understand how well they know themselves.

In all, our Brand Development Template contains 18 elements.

And to help you with the development of each of these brand elements, we’re providing you with our Brand Development Template for FREE.

Please complete this form to access your FREE copy of our Brand Development Template.


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